VW Sharan repair . Diesel engines: 1,9 l of TDI. - - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Repair Sharan/Sharan Volkswagen>> Introduction>> Works on repair and service>> Check of level of liquid in the hydraulic booster of a steering
The tank of the hydraulic booster of a steering is located in a motor compartment, at the left on a car course. In a cover of a tank the measuring core is built in. On the cold engine unscrew a cover of a tank and check level of working liquid on a measured core. It should be in a zone the designated inscription of "Kalt" ("cold"). After that warm up the engine and check level of working liquid — it should not exceed the top label with «Warm» inscription ("heated-up"). For a dolivka it is possible to use only oil for hydrosystems. Its code — G 002 000.
If hydraulic liquid in the hydraulic booster of a steering has not enough, will shortly notice that the steering began to work more hard, especially at a car parking.