VW Sharan repair

. Diesel engines: 1,9 l of TDI.
+ 1. Introduction
+ 2. VR6 engine
+ 3. Two-liter engine (ADY)
+ 4. System of greasing of the engine
+ 5. Cooling system
+ 6. System of injection of fuel of the VR6 engine
+ 7. Simos system of injection of fuel of the 2,0-liter engine
+ 8. Ignition system
+ 9. Coupling
+ 10. Mechanical 5-step transmission
+ 11. Shaft of a drive of wheels
+ 12. Hydraulic booster of a steering
+ 13. Forward suspension bracket
+ 14. Back suspension bracket
+ 15. Brake system
+ 16. Electric equipment
- 17. Diesel engine
   17.1. Removal and installation
   + 17.2. Dismantling and assembly
   + 17.3. Head of the block of cylinders
   + 17.4. Driving belts — poliklinovy and gear
   + 17.5. Shatunno-piston group
   + 17.6. Intermediate shaft
   17.7. Flywheel
   + 17.8. Camshaft and camshaft epiploon
   + 17.9. Cranked shaft and radical bearings
   + 17.10. Block of cylinders
   17.11. Compression check in engine cylinders
   17.12. System of production of the fulfilled gases
+ 18. System of greasing of the diesel engine
+ 19. System of cooling of the diesel engine
+ 20. Power supply system of the diesel engine and turbokompressor
+ maintenance Card
+ Specifications and characteristics
+ Elektroskhema

Repair Sharan/Sharan Volkswagen>> Diesel engine>> Removal and installation
Order of performance of operations:
- disconnect from AB the plug «–», then «+»;
- remove AB;

Fig. 18. AB removal: 1 — an air pipe casing; 2 — a partition

- remove a partition of a compartment of the storage battery (see fig. 18 );
- having put a forward part of the car on support remove protection of the engine;

Fig. 358. Removal of a hose of forced air and the deflector of supply of air. Shooters showed detachment places

- disconnect the right hose of forced air (fig. 358) from a radiator of cooling of forced air. Having unscrewed two bolts, remove the deflector of supply of air in a radiator of cooling of forced air;

Fig. 359. A place of accession of the left hose of forced air to a radiator of forced air (it is shown by an arrow)

- disconnect the left hose (fig. 359) . Remove the pipeline of forced air from the holder on a transmission;
- disconnect wires from a starter: separate a shtekerny block (plug "50"), disconnect a cable (plug "30") and remove a cable collar;
- lower the car on soil;
- merge cooling liquid from cooling system according to the description for the petrol engine. It is best of all to disconnect the bottom hose for this purpose;
- remove headlights;
- remove the top part of the air filter;

Fig. 360. Removal of the top part of the air filter: 1 — a hose; 2 — the inlet pipeline; 3 — a shtekerny block of the sensor of a mass consumption of air; 4 — a clamp

- disconnect a hose 1 (fig. 360) going to a vacuum regulator of system of a retsirkulyatsiya of OG and disconnect the inlet pipeline 2;
- separate a shtekerny block 3 sensors of a mass consumption of air;
- disconnect three clamps 4;

Fig. 361. A place of accession of the top hose of forced air (it is shown by an arrow)

- remove the lower part of the air filter. For this purpose at first squeeze out the holder from an external lateral partition. Disconnect the top hose of forced air (fig. 361) , previously having weakened a hose collar.

Fig. 362. Removal of a cover of the engine. Fastening of a cover is shown by an arrow

- uncover the engine (fig. 362) ;

Fig. 363. Arrangement of hoses: 1 — to a regulator of pressure of pressurization in a control unit; 2 — forced air; 3 — cooling liquid (to a broad tank); 4 — a shtekerny block of the sensor of temperature of let-in air; 5 — the top hose of cooling liquid

- disconnect the hoses shown on fig. 363 and a shtekerny block;
- disconnect vacuum hoses from an inlet pipe of a turbokompressor and from the valve of system of a retsirkulyatsiya of OG (EGR valve);
- disconnect топливопроводы and the vacuum pipeline from the vacuum pump;
- disconnect an electric cable from the generator and separate the tip of the fuel pump of a high pressure (TNVD);

Fig. 364. Disconnect shtekerny blocks: 1, 2 — the sensor of provision of a cranked shaft; 3 — a plait of wires of the engine

- separate shtekerny blocks 1 and 2 (fig. 364) of the sensor of provision of a cranked shaft, a shtekerny block of a plait of wires of the engine 3. For this purpose remove the corresponding spring collars to liberate all cable;
- separate a shtekerny block of the switch of lamps of a backing;
- disconnect a "mass" cable from a transmission. Disconnect the pipeline of system of coupling for what remove a spring collar and release coupling. To Zakuporta open ends of pipelines;

At performance of operation pay attention to following brake liquid.

- disconnect the hoses of cooling liquid going to a broad tank and a heater;
- if by the car the conditioner is established, separate a shtekerny block of electromagnetic coupling;
- weaken poliklinovy a belt as it will be described further;
- weaken bolts of fastening of wheels. Establish a forward part of the car on support and remove forward wheels;
- remove a forward suspension bracket of the right wheel:

Fig. 365. Suspension bracket of a forward wheel. Connecting draft 1 connects the stabilizer of cross-section stability with an amortizatorny rack

- disconnect draft 1 (fig. 365) of the stabilizer of cross-section stability;
- disconnect a brake hose and remove an ABS sensor cable (shows frequency of rotation of a wheel) from the holder on an amortizatorny rack;
- unscrew a nut of a bolt of cross-section steering draft on a soshka of a wheel and remove the hinge by means of a stripper from a wheel soshka;
- unscrew in the lower part of a suspension bracket of a wheel two bolts and wring out the spherical hinge of a suspension bracket from the case of the bearing of a wheel (a rotary fist);
- perform the described operations and on the left side of the car;

Fig. 366. Steering removal. Adhere steering drafts at the left and on the right by means of wire loops that they did not fall

- adhere steering drafts a wire as it is shown on fig. 366 , to both amortizatorny racks. Now unscrew a steering from a cross-section beam, and drafts remain to hang on a wire;
- turn off a balansirny suspension bracket from a transmission;

Fig. 367. The cross-section beam of a forward suspension bracket fastens in the places shown by shooters

- substitute a jack with a suitable support under a cross-section beam, lift a jack so that it raised a cross-section beam, and unscrew it in the places shown on fig. 367 ;
- merge transmission oil. Clear a stopper, and then at once again screw it;

Fig. 368. Unscrew the basic bearing of 1 right power shaft and squeeze out a shaft from a transmission in the shown place 2

- remove from a transmission a shaft of a drive of the right wheel. At first unscrew the persistent bearing 1 (fig. 368) and after that extend a shaft in a place 2 of shlitsevy connection with a transmission.

At operation performance the car should be established on support.

Fig. 369. Removal of the left shaft of a drive of a wheel

Take a shaft of a drive of the left wheel by means of the inserted mount (fig. 369) .
Disconnect gear shifting cables from a transmission. The ends of cables are fixed by means of clamps. After removal of clamps take both cables in the direction up from their holders.

Fig. 370. The reception pipe fastens to the catalyst in the places specified by shooters

Unscrew three bolts (fig. 370) and separate a reception pipe from a catalyst flange.
Disconnect an exhaust pipe from a turbokompressor (4 bolts).
Disconnect a hose from the heating pipeline (hose connection).

Fig. 371. Disconnect hoses 1 from a turbokompressor and 2 — from a vacuum box and liberate them from fastenings

Disconnect hoses from a turbokompressor 1 (fig. 371) and a vacuum box 2 and release them from hose fastenings.
Turn on the holder of the pipeline of the pump of the hydraulic booster of a steering (it is located nearby from a pulley on cranked to a shaft). Unscrew a pulley of a drive of the pump of the hydraulic booster. To fix a pulley in motionless situation, insert a suitable face six-sided key into an internal part of a shaft of the pump.
Unscrew bolts of fastening of the pump of the hydraulic booster of a steering (one of bolts is located in its lower part), remove the pump, take him aside and adhere a wire.

Fig. 372. Removal of the compressor of the conditioner

If on the car the conditioner is established, remove the compressor. At first turn by means of a wrench 1 (fig. 372) a tension roller of a driving belt in the direction shown by an arrow so that the driving belt weakened. After that unscrew bolts 2 and 3 and remove the compressor so that not to damage thus any pipelines.

Pipelines do not disconnect.

Substitute a jack under the power unit.

Be convinced of that the power unit is well fixed.

Unscrew four bolts of a back engine mount.

Once again check that the engine is reliably fixed.

In car-care center for a raising of the engine the special device under which then the automobile lift is substituted is used. On fig. 21 it was already shown, how the engine is supported from below, i.e. it is necessary to prop up reliably the engine a jack in order that it after untwisting of fastenings of an engine mount remained in former situation. To provide it, it is necessary for you to have at the order the crane with a manual drive. Arrange a crane arrow over a motor compartment and fix the engine by means of stropovochny loops on a crane hook. If the jack casually slides off, the arrow will hold the engine in former situation.

Fig. 373. Fastenings of a forward support (are shown by shooters)

Unscrew fastenings of a forward support of the engine (fig. 373) .
Slowly lower the engine down. For this purpose you will need the assistant who will lower an automobile jack or the crane while you will continuously watch process of lowering of the engine through a motor compartment. If the engine for something is hooked, it should be liberated at once to avoid damage of details of a body or other knots and units. It concerns first of all the removed and tied-up details. Besides, if there is such possibility, it is possible to raise a forward part of the car to have more space for engine removal.
Installation of the engine is carried out in sequence, to removal process, however it is necessary to pay attention of return to the next moments:
- check on wear vyzhimny the coupling bearing in the working cylinder of coupling. In case of need replace the working cylinder together with the vyzhimny bearing of coupling. On cars considered in the book they always should be changed together;
- put on shlitsevy connection of a shaft of coupling a little lubricant. Volkswagen recommends to use in this place greasing with G 000 100 designation;
- establish the engine and a transmission in the correct situation in a motor compartment of the engine. When lifting the power unit pay attention, that it did not touch power shafts and be surely convinced that the engine together with a transmission is well fixed on a jack or the lift. As it was already told, it is thus most convenient to use the crane with a manual drive and an arrow;
- after the engine will be leveled concerning engine mount fastenings, tighten fastening bolts (approximately on 5–6 turns). Shake the engine here and there (it should not be finally drawn yet) a little and tighten bolts of forward and back fastenings of an engine mount. Tighten fastening of a forward beam of a suspension bracket, and also an arm of a back suspension bracket the moment of 55 N · m (in front in the hydraulic bearing).
Establish shaft of a drive of wheels and tighten bolts the corresponding moment.
Tighten bolts of fastening of the pump of the hydraulic booster of a steering the moment of 25 N · m. Do not forget about a bolt in the lower part of fastening of the pump. Establish a pump pulley, having fixed in motionless situation a shaft of the pump of the hydraulic booster of a steering by means of a six-sided key, and tighten three bolts the moment of 23 N · m. Tighten an arm fixing the pipeline of the pump of the hydraulic booster of a steering (20 N · м).
At installation of an exhaust pipe on a turbokompressor, and also in a junction of an exhaust pipe and the catalyst use new laying.
Insert a shaft of a drive of the right wheel into a transmission and tighten the persistent bearing (27 N · м).
Before installation of a shaft of a drive of the left wheel replace the persistent ring located on the end of a shaft.
Again establish a cross-section beam in the correct situation and tighten four bolts shown on fig. 367 the moment of 110 N · m.
Establish a balansirny suspension bracket on a transmission. Tighten a bolt on outer side the moment of 95 N · m.
Remove a steering from a wire and fasten from below to a cross-section beam. Bolts are tightened by the moment of 50 N · m.
Establish a wheel suspension bracket (see fig. 365 ). Tighten both bolts of the spherical hinge the moment of 55 N · m, a nut of the hinge of cross-section steering draft the moment of 30 N · m, a nut of fastening of connecting draft tighten the moment of 100 N · m. Perform the described operations from both parties of the car.
Lower the car on soil and tighten bolts of fastening of wheels (140 N · м).
Put on poliklinovy a belt, release a tension roller that he pulled a belt.
Connect the pipeline to the working cylinder of coupling and fix it a spring clip. Remove air from coupling system.
Establish details of the air filter in return sequence concerning removal process.