VW Sharan repair

. Diesel engines: 1,9 l of TDI.
+ 1. Introduction
- 2. VR6 engine
   + 2.1. Cнятие and installation
   + 2.2. Dismantling and assembly
   + 2.3. Head of the block of cylinders and valves
   + 2.4. Pistons and rods
   2.5. Block of cylinders
   + 2.6. Cranked shaft and radical bearings
   + 2.7. Drive of the mechanism of a gazoraspredeleniye
   2.8. Intermediate shaft
   2.9. Compression check in engine cylinders
   + 2.10. System of production of the fulfilled gases
+ 3. Two-liter engine (ADY)
+ 4. System of greasing of the engine
+ 5. Cooling system
+ 6. System of injection of fuel of the VR6 engine
+ 7. Simos system of injection of fuel of the 2,0-liter engine
+ 8. Ignition system
+ 9. Coupling
+ 10. Mechanical 5-step transmission
+ 11. Shaft of a drive of wheels
+ 12. Hydraulic booster of a steering
+ 13. Forward suspension bracket
+ 14. Back suspension bracket
+ 15. Brake system
+ 16. Electric equipment
+ 17. Diesel engine
+ 18. System of greasing of the diesel engine
+ 19. System of cooling of the diesel engine
+ 20. Power supply system of the diesel engine and turbokompressor
+ maintenance Card
+ Specifications and characteristics
+ Elektroskhema

Repair Sharan/Sharan Volkswagen>> VR6 engine>> Block of cylinders

Fig. 69. The block of cylinders with the details established on it: 1 — a bolt, 25 N · m; 2 — a pulley of the pump of cooling; 3 — a bolt, 20 N · m; 4 — the pump of system of cooling; 5 — an O-shaped sealing ring, always replace new; 6 — maslomerny щуп with a directing tube; 7 — blocking of removal of oil, 5 N · m; 8 — the detonation No. 2 sensor (for correction of the moment of ignition); 9 — the screw, 5 N · m; 10 — a cover of a drive of the oil pump; 11 — an O-shaped sealing ring, always replace new; 12 — a drive of the oil pump; 13 — the block of cylinders; 14 — an intermediate shaft; 15 — the adjusting washer, an inscription on it should look up; 16 — a bolt, 10 N · m; 17 — an O-shaped sealing ring, always replace new; 18 — laying of an oil case; 19 — the thermostat case; 20 — a bolt, 10 N · m; 21 — an O-shaped sealing ring, always replace new; 22 — the sensor of frequency of rotation of a cranked shaft; 23 — a bolt, 5 N · m; 24 — a bolt, 20 N · m; 25 — an O-shaped sealing ring

Carefully wash up the block of cylinders 13 (fig. 69) and clear oil channels. Having blown and having dried the compressed air, examine the block of cylinders. Cracks in support or other places of the block of cylinders are not allowed. Surely remove all remains of cleaners from the block of cylinders.
Measure a gap between lateral surfaces of the cylinder and the piston (see item 2.4.2).
The difference of the measured values of internal diameter of the cylinder between the top and bottom belt indicates a conicity of an opening of the cylinder, and a difference of values between the longitudinal and cross-section direction — on ovality. Internal diameter of the cylinder should not differ anywhere more than 0,08 mm from the nominal size.
In the engine pistons of two repair sizes for what respectively it is necessary to chisel the block of cylinders (see item 2.4.2) can be established.

Fig. 46. Check of a head of the block of cylinders on deformation by means of a measuring ruler and щупа

Check deformation of a surface of the block of cylinders (as for a head of the block of cylinders see fig. 46 ) for what measure size of a gap of the block of cylinders in the longitudinal, cross-section directions and on a diagonal with помощъю a set щупов. The gap should not exceed 0,10 mm. Before measurement be convinced that the surface of the block of cylinders is carefully cleared and there are no foreign matters between shchupy and a surface of the block of cylinders.