VW Sharan repair. Diesel engines: 1,9 l of TDI.+ 1. Introduction + 2. VR6 engine + 3. Two-liter engine (ADY) + 4. System of greasing of the engine + 5. Cooling system - 6. System of injection of fuel of the VR6 engine 6.1. Precautionary measures at work on repair of system of injection 6.2. A principle of work of ESUD under various conditions + 6.3. Injection system + 6.4. Malfunctions of system of injection + 6.5. Work on repair and service of system of injection 6.6. Cable of a drive of a butterfly valve - 6.7. Electric fuel pump 6.7.1. Check of operability of the fuel pump 6.7.2. Removal and installation of the fuel pump 6.8. Fuel filter 6.9. The fuel level sensor in a tank 6.10. Air filter + 7. Simos system of injection of fuel of the 2,0-liter engine + 8. Ignition system + 9. Coupling + 10. Mechanical 5-step transmission + 11. Shaft of a drive of wheels + 12. Hydraulic booster of a steering + 13. Forward suspension bracket + 14. Back suspension bracket + 15. Brake system + 16. Electric equipment + 17. Diesel engine + 18. System of greasing of the diesel engine + 19. System of cooling of the diesel engine + 20. Power supply system of the diesel engine and turbokompressor + maintenance Card + Specifications and characteristics + Elektroskhema |
Repair Sharan/Sharan Volkswagen>> System of injection of fuel of the VR6 engine>> Electric fuel pump>> Check of operability of the fuel pump If the pump badly works or there is a suspicion that it submits insufficient amount of fuel, inspect operability of the pump in the following order:
- check, responsible for operation of the pump, the safety lock No. 18 being in the block of safety locks. It should be in good repair;
- поддомкратьте a back part of the car also put it on support;
- ask the assistant to include ignition. Thus the fuel pump should turn on that should be accompanied by a characteristic sound. If the pump works, find the reason on which fuel does not arrive;
- put a rag for the connection end топливопровода, and carefully remove a hose. Thus fuel should scatter, i.e. the power supply system is under pressure. If it so, at once put on a hose;
- if it did not occur, ask the assistant to scroll a starter the engine. In this case fuel should scatter from the removed hose;
- if it did not occur, execute the following:
- switch off ignition;
- remove a rug on the right side under the second row of seats, unscrew bolts of fastening and remove the electrogasoline pump and fuel level sensor hatch;
- disconnect a shtekerny block of the fuel level sensor and the fuel pump; attach to two external plugs the voltmeter or a control lamp on semi-conductor diodes
(fig. 205)
- include ignition. The voltmeter should show approximate tension of AB. If tension is not present, determine by an electric circuit a place of a wire breakage and eliminate it;
- if the voltmeter shows tension of AB, remove the fuel level sensor and check, whether are connected and whether have good contact electric wires between a flange and the fuel pump;
- if break is absent, replace the fuel pump;
- establish the new fuel pump and the fuel level sensor, connect electric wires.