VW Sharan repair. Diesel engines: 1,9 l of TDI.+ 1. Introduction + 2. VR6 engine + 3. Two-liter engine (ADY) + 4. System of greasing of the engine + 5. Cooling system + 6. System of injection of fuel of the VR6 engine + 7. Simos system of injection of fuel of the 2,0-liter engine + 8. Ignition system + 9. Coupling + 10. Mechanical 5-step transmission + 11. Shaft of a drive of wheels + 12. Hydraulic booster of a steering + 13. Forward suspension bracket + 14. Back suspension bracket - 15. Brake system + 15.1. Adjustment of brake system + 15.2. Disk brakes of forward wheels + 15.3. Brakes of back wheels 15.4. Processing of brake disks - 15.5. Main brake cylinder 15.5.1. Removal and installation of the main brake cylinder 15.5.2. Repair of the main brake cylinder 15.6. Check of the vacuum amplifier of a brake drive 15.7. Pumping of brakes + 15.8. Parking brake + 15.9. ABS system (anti-blocking brake system) + 16. Electric equipment + 17. Diesel engine + 18. System of greasing of the diesel engine + 19. System of cooling of the diesel engine + 20. Power supply system of the diesel engine and turbokompressor + maintenance Card + Specifications and characteristics + Elektroskhema |
Repair Sharan/Sharan Volkswagen>> Brake system>> Main brake cylinder The main brake cylinder will transform the mechanical effort enclosed to a pedal, in pressure of liquid and serves for simultaneous creation of pressure in both contours of a hydraulic drive by pressing a pedal.
On all updatings of the Sharan car the two-way main brake cylinder with a consecutive arrangement of pistons is established. On the case of the main cylinder the tank in which jellied mouth the sensor of emergency level of brake liquid is established fastens.
By pressing a pedal of a brake pressure at the same time in both contours of a hydraulic drive at the expense of two pistons of the main brake cylinder is created: the delivery piston (the next to a pusher bar) a contour drive «the left forward — right back brakes» and the intermediate piston of a drive of a contour «right forward — left back brakes».
The main brake cylinder is not subject to repair and at failure is replaced with the new.