VW Sharan repair. Diesel engines: 1,9 l of TDI.+ 1. Introduction + 2. VR6 engine + 3. Two-liter engine (ADY) + 4. System of greasing of the engine + 5. Cooling system + 6. System of injection of fuel of the VR6 engine + 7. Simos system of injection of fuel of the 2,0-liter engine + 8. Ignition system + 9. Coupling + 10. Mechanical 5-step transmission + 11. Shaft of a drive of wheels + 12. Hydraulic booster of a steering + 13. Forward suspension bracket + 14. Back suspension bracket + 15. Brake system + 16. Electric equipment - 17. Diesel engine 17.1. Removal and installation + 17.2. Dismantling and assembly + 17.3. Head of the block of cylinders + 17.4. Driving belts — poliklinovy and gear + 17.5. Shatunno-piston group + 17.6. Intermediate shaft 17.7. Flywheel - 17.8. Camshaft and camshaft epiploon 17.8.1. Camshaft removal 17.8.2. Camshaft check 17.8.3. Camshaft epiploon 17.8.4. Installation of a camshaft and a camshaft epiploon in a head of the block of cylinders + 17.9. Cranked shaft and radical bearings + 17.10. Block of cylinders 17.11. Compression check in engine cylinders 17.12. System of production of the fulfilled gases + 18. System of greasing of the diesel engine + 19. System of cooling of the diesel engine + 20. Power supply system of the diesel engine and turbokompressor + maintenance Card + Specifications and characteristics + Elektroskhema |
Repair Sharan/Sharan Volkswagen>> Diesel engine>> Camshaft and camshaft epiploon>> Camshaft epiploon The epiploon of a camshaft can be replaced on the established engine if near it oil traces were noticed. The epiploon settles down behind a camshaft pulley. To avoid damage of a head of the block of cylinders or a camshaft the special tool is necessary for epiploon removal
(fig. 437)
. The cam clings between a working edge of consolidation and a camshaft under an epiploon so the epiploon can be weakened and pulled out under the influence of the lever. The epiploon can be removed by means of the slanted lever.
To get access to a camshaft, it is necessary to remove a gear driving belt as it was described in item 17.4.1.
Fix in motionless situation a camshaft cogwheel (for example, by means of the old gear driving belt which has been wrapped up round a cogwheel, or inserted in one of openings of a cogwheel of an opravka) and unscrew a cogwheel bolt. Take out a bolt and remove a washer. Bring down a cogwheel, having inserted into it behind an opravka as it is shown on
fig. 438
By means of nippers take out a segment shponka from a camshaft.
In the described way remove an epiploon.