VW Sharan repair. Diesel engines: 1,9 l of TDI.+ 1. Introduction - 2. VR6 engine + 2.1. Cнятие and installation + 2.2. Dismantling and assembly + 2.3. Head of the block of cylinders and valves + 2.4. Pistons and rods 2.5. Block of cylinders - 2.6. Cranked shaft and radical bearings 2.6.1. Removal of a cranked shaft 2.6.2. Check of a cranked shaft 2.6.3. Installation of a cranked shaft 2.6.4. Epiploons of a cranked shaft 2.6.5. Flywheel + 2.7. Drive of the mechanism of a gazoraspredeleniye 2.8. Intermediate shaft 2.9. Compression check in engine cylinders + 2.10. System of production of the fulfilled gases + 3. Two-liter engine (ADY) + 4. System of greasing of the engine + 5. Cooling system + 6. System of injection of fuel of the VR6 engine + 7. Simos system of injection of fuel of the 2,0-liter engine + 8. Ignition system + 9. Coupling + 10. Mechanical 5-step transmission + 11. Shaft of a drive of wheels + 12. Hydraulic booster of a steering + 13. Forward suspension bracket + 14. Back suspension bracket + 15. Brake system + 16. Electric equipment + 17. Diesel engine + 18. System of greasing of the diesel engine + 19. System of cooling of the diesel engine + 20. Power supply system of the diesel engine and turbokompressor + maintenance Card + Specifications and characteristics + Elektroskhema |
Repair Sharan/Sharan Volkswagen>> VR6 engine>> Cranked shaft and radical bearings>> Removal of a cranked shaft For removal of a cranked shaft it is necessary to remove the engine from the car.
As the engine should be disassembled completely, carry out the following recommendations about complete dismantling of the engine:
- remove a transmission from the engine. On the car with a mechanical transmission a screw-driver inserted into a gear wreath of a flywheel, fix a flywheel in motionless situation and turn out bolts of fastening of a flywheel. For reliable fixing of a flywheel it is possible to drill two openings in a metal strip and by means of bolts of fastening of coupling to tighten it to the opposite sides of a flywheel
(fig. 70)
and to turn off flywheel bolts;
- before flywheel removal by a center punch mark a relative positioning of a press disk and a flywheel to avoid a mistake at installation. Turn off from a forward part of the engine a bolt of a pulley of a cranked shaft;
- on the car with an automatic transmission unscrew a driving pulley.
Further works on dismantling of the engine are carried out on its forward part. Execute the following operations:
- unscrew bolts of an arm 1
(fig. 71)
of an engine mount in the top part of the engine;
- unscrew the tension adaptation 2 located under it for a maple belt (3 bolts);
- disconnect a wire tip, a "mass" cable, a collar for cable fastening, unscrew two bolts of fastening of the generator and remove the generator 3;
- mark bolts (six bolts of different length) and unscrew a basic arm of the generator and the pump of the hydraulic booster of a steering 4;
- unscrew directing tube maslomerny щупа 6 (see
fig. 69
), pull out it from the block of cylinders and remove a sealing ring 25:
- unscrew fastening bolts (
fig. 72
, shooters) the air soaking-up chamber of an inlet collector;
- unscrew a bolt of fastening of a pulley of the pump of cooling liquid and a plait of wires of the air soaking-up chamber (remove a hose, separate a shtekerny block of the sensor of provision of a butterfly valve, remove a collar from a plait of wires and disconnect a "mass" cable);
- remove arms of the air soaking-up chamber. At first disconnect the pipeline of system of a retsirkulyatsiya of the fulfilled gases (EGR) from the butterfly valve case. Then unscrew three bolts of the air soaking-up chamber from a head of the block of cylinders and remove the air soaking-up chamber together with laying;
- remove the pump of cooling of the engine for what disconnect going to the thermostat case a hose, separate a shtekerny block and take the pump down from rubber fastening. After removal of the pump remove pump fastening;
- disconnect from the EGR system valve a shtekerny block, open two clips to liberate a plait of wires and separate the following shtekerny block located nearby;
- separate a shtekerny block of the sensor of temperature of cooling liquid and a thermoswitch of the fan and unscrew a bolt of fastening of an arm;
- separate shtekerny blocks of the sensor of temperature of oil 1
(fig. 73)
, the switch of pressure of oil 2 (a black and yellow cable) on 140 kPas and the switch of pressure of oil 3 (a brown-dark blue cable) on 30 kPas;
- unscrew four bolts of fastening directing wires of a high voltage and remove the fuel distributive highway together with nozzles (the distributor of supply of fuel together with nozzles);
- unscrew two bolts of fastening and remove the valve of switching and the inlet valve of secondary air system;
- unscrew fastening bolts
(fig. 74)
and remove an inlet collector together with an elevating eye of the engine;
- unscrew the thermostat case
(fig. 75)
- unscrew a nut and remove the EGR system valve together with an arm (weaken a cap nut, turn out 2 bolts);
- uncover also laying of a head of the block of cylinders. Holders топливопроводов will thus be released;
- unscrew ten bolts of fastening and remove the top protective cover of a drive of units of the engine. Unscrew a natyazhitel of a chain who is located on lateral face of a head of the block of cylinders;
- note (their direction of rotation is desirable color) on outer side of chains of a drive of a camshaft;
- turn out six bolts from the block of cylinders and five bolts of their oil case and remove (on the back party of the engine) a flange of a sealing ring of a cranked shaft. It is desirable to replace a sealing ring new;
- unscrew sixteen bolts
(fig. 76)
in the block of the cylinders, three bolts in the oil case, one bolt — from an arm and remove the bottom protective cover of a drive of units of the engine;
- remove chains of a drive of a camshaft and other details of a drive (cм. подразд. 2.7.);
- remove a head of the block of cylinders (see item 2.3.1);
- disconnect a hose of cooling liquid from the pump of system of cooling and from the block of cylinders, remove laying, unscrew bolts of fastening of an oil radiator and remove it together with a hose of cooling liquid. Watch, that cooling liquid did not follow;
- remove the oil filter with laying. If it is necessary, turn out both switches of pressure of oil 1
(fig. 77)
- remove the sensor of a detonation 8 (see
fig. 69
) and the sensor of frequency of rotation 22 cranked shaft;
- block a flywheel of a cranked shaft a clamp (see
fig. 70
) and turn out a bolt of a quencher of fluctuations of a cranked shaft.
If it is required to remove an intermediate shaft:
- unscrew two bolts of fastening
(fig. 78)
of a natyazhitel of an unary chain;
- block a cranked shaft a clamp, unscrew a bolt located in the center of an asterisk of an intermediate shaft and remove an asterisk together with a chain (previously having marked the direction of movement of a chain). Directing to a chain also it can be removed;
- unscrew four bolts of fastening of an intermediate shaft and remove it;
- remove the pump of system of cooling together with a pulley;
- remove an oil case (see подразд. 4.1);
- unscrew two bolts of fastening and uncover a power shaft of the oil pump. Then take a power shaft
(fig. 79)
- remove the oil pump (see подразд. 4.2.1);
- if it is required to remove only a cranked shaft, pistons and rods can remain in the block of cylinders. In this case in turn mark and remove covers of bearings of rods and leave them assembled with loose leaves. Otherwise remove pistons and rods (see подразд. 2.4.1). Remember that used «pliable screws» always should be changed;
- measure an axial free wheeling of a cranked shaft. For this purpose establish on a forward part of the block of cylinders a rack with the indicator so that the leg of the indicator rested against a flange of the forward end of a cranked shaft
(fig. 80)
. A screw-driver shift a cranked shaft aside, and expose the device on a zero then move a shaft to other party. The arrow of the device will show an axial free wheeling of a shaft which should be no more than 0,25 mm. If the course is more, bring it into norm, having replaced old half rings new or having established half rings of the increased thickness.
The average support (bearing No. 5) has top and bottom persistent half rings 4 and 10 (see
fig. 82
) by which the axial free wheeling of a cranked shaft is regulated. Also on two half rings is available on other party of a cover of the radical bearing and the block of cylinders; in the absence of the measuring device an axial free wheeling it is possible to measure with the help щупа
(fig. 81)
on an average shatunny neck, between a flange of the bearing of a rod where persistent half rings, and a surface of a cheek of a cranked shaft settle down;
- unscrew bolts of fastening of a flange in a forward part of the engine and remove a flange. In a flange there is a sealing ring which should be beaten out at once;
- gradually cross-wise turn off bolts 1
(fig. 82)
of covers of bearings of a cranked shaft 5 and in turn remove them. Check, that covers were marked with the corresponding numbers. Numbering of covers of bearings carry out from a pulley of a drive of units of the engine;
- remove the bottom loose leaves (No. from 1 to 7) bearings of radical necks and put them together with the corresponding covers of bearings. The bottom loose leaves of support of a cranked shaft have no flutes on an internal surface. On them it is impossible to make any podgonochny operations. At teases, risks or otsloyeniye replace loose leaves new;
- take out from nests of bearings a cranked shaft;
- take out the top loose leaves and put them with the corresponding covers of bearings. The top loose leaves of support of a cranked shaft have flutes for greasing;
- remove the bottom persistent half ring from an average support (from the bearing No. 5).