VW Sharan repair. Diesel engines: 1,9 l of TDI.+ 1. Introduction + 2. VR6 engine - 3. Two-liter engine (ADY) 3.1. Removal and installation + 3.2. Dismantling and assembly + 3.3. Head of the block of cylinders and valves - 3.4. Pistons and rods 3.4.1. Removal 3.4.2. Measurement of internal diameter of the cylinder 3.4.3. Check of pistons and rods 3.4.4. Measurement of a gap of a rod 3.4.5. Assembly of pistons and rods 3.4.6. Installation of pistons and rods 3.5. Block of cylinders + 3.6. Cranked shaft and radical bearings + 3.7. Drive of the mechanism of a gazoraspredeleniye 3.8. Adjustment of a tension of a driving belt of units of the engine 3.9. Intermediate shaft 3.10. Compression check in engine cylinders 3.11. System of production of the fulfilled gases 3.12. Cleaning system with absorbent carbon application 3.13. System of a retsirkulyatsiya of the fulfilled gases + 4. System of greasing of the engine + 5. Cooling system + 6. System of injection of fuel of the VR6 engine + 7. Simos system of injection of fuel of the 2,0-liter engine + 8. Ignition system + 9. Coupling + 10. Mechanical 5-step transmission + 11. Shaft of a drive of wheels + 12. Hydraulic booster of a steering + 13. Forward suspension bracket + 14. Back suspension bracket + 15. Brake system + 16. Electric equipment + 17. Diesel engine + 18. System of greasing of the diesel engine + 19. System of cooling of the diesel engine + 20. Power supply system of the diesel engine and turbokompressor + maintenance Card + Specifications and characteristics + Elektroskhema |
Repair Sharan/Sharan Volkswagen>> Two-liter engine (ADY)>> Pistons and rods>> Removal Pistons and rods are beaten out from the block of cylinders in the direction up by the hammer handle, after removal of covers and loose leaves of shatunny bearings.
Before carrying out these works it is necessary to observe the following recommendations:
- put marking (it is desirable color) on each piston and a rod relating to it. It is necessary to specify that number of the cylinder from which the piston and a rod were removed. On the piston it is best of all to put number of the cylinder and to the shooter specifying the direction towards a forward part of the engine at the bottom of the piston
(fig. 130)
- right after removal put on a rod and a cover of the bearing of a rod sideways cylinder number (see
fig. 55
). It is better to do all this by a center punch (for example, for the cylinder No. 1 — one blow a center punch etc.). The rod and a cover of a rod should be collected so that both cast ledges were located opposite to each other (see
fig. 56
- mark bearing loose leaves according to a rod and a rod cover. Also mark with color the top and bottom loose leaves of the bearing on their back party;
- if it is necessary to replace pistons, right after dismantling measure length of a finger of the piston. As shows experiment, this size can be another on new pistons therefore it is necessary to select surely pistons with fingers of that length which old fingers of pistons had;
- at the order of new pistons specify model of the car and its year of release;
- the geometrical sizes of pistons differ among themselves therefore if establish the piston, for example from the old engine, it is necessary to measure size b
(fig. 131)
which differs depending on the engine. Established pistons should have identical value b. Various pistons have differences and on size and;
- diameters of pistons are presented in the table of adjustments and control.
Removal of pistons carry out in the following order:
- remove covers of rods and loose leaves and beat out details. In case of need scratch out a scraper an oil deposit on the top part of the cylinder. For this purpose turn a cranked shaft a little to lower the piston more deeply in a cylinder opening. Be careful not to scratch a scraper the cylinder;
- by means of a sharp subject or a small punch (see
fig. 57
), remove the spring lock rings located on each party of a piston finger. The dredging which is available in an opening for a piston finger, facilitates punch application;
- by means of an opravka beat out a piston finger. At blow watch that the opravka did not jump out and did not strike on the piston;
- mark piston rings (if they are again established) and remove them through the piston bottom by means of a stripper (see
fig. 58
). At first it is necessary to remove the top piston ring;
- if the stripper for piston rings is not present, it is possible to insert under piston rings metal strips the friend opposite to the friend (see
fig. 59
). One of metal strips enclose under the lock of a piston ring to avoid emergence of scratches on a piston surface;
- remove piston rings and hang up on them labels with cylinder number. At survey of piston rings be convinced that on one of the parties there is «Oben» or "Top" mark. At installation of piston rings this inscription should be visible from the piston bottom.
Details of shatunno-piston group of the engine are presented on
fig. 132
. The special attention should be turned on the places having alphabetic references of A and B which point to important points on an arrangement and orientation of details of shatunno-piston group.