VW Sharan repair . Diesel engines: 1,9 l of TDI. + + - + + + - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Repair Sharan/Sharan Volkswagen>> Two-liter engine (ADY)>> Cranked shaft and radical bearings>> Removal and flywheel installation (the car from mechanical KP)
For removal of a flywheel from a cranked shaft block it a clamp in a motionless condition and unscrew bolts of fastening of a flywheel which can be thrown out at once as their repeated use is forbidden.
Check a condition of a gear wreath and in case of damage of teeths replace a flywheel with a wreath. Thus it is necessary to check and a teeth of a gear wheel of a starter as they too can be worn-out.
If the flywheel has scratches or teases on a basic surface of a conducted disk of coupling, remove them with a pro-point. The flywheel is dismantled on the established engine after transmission removal. Thus surely check, whether leaks engine oil through a back epiploon of a cranked shaft. In case of course replace an epiploon.
At flywheel installation fastening bolts at first wrap by hand, and then tighten them in turn cross-wise the moment of an inhaling of 60 N · m then evenly tighten cross-wise each bolt for 90 °.